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Hi everyone!

Another week gone by and here is our review of what we have accomplished 🙂

On Wednesday the 23rd we collected the group at Collingwood station for a whole day session at Collingwood Childrens Farm. This day was directed at working for the community, looking at a variety of different workspaces and having some good old fun in the sun. We began with meeting Emma and Melina, who spoke a little about the farm before leading the group on a farm tour. We got to explore all the spaces, seeing all the animals and even being able to stand and watch the little new born lambs. The group watched in awe of the animals and the green spaces in the heart of melbourne. After this extensive tour we moved on to have a lunch break, grabbing some well deserved food from the Cafe located right on the farm grounds. This was a wonderful beginning to our day and let us chat about the importance of community work and being able to work as a team for the betterment of the community. When our break was over we moved on to do some farm work. First we began with grabbing some tools and moving to their garden where we carved down some bushes and collected them to feed the goats and guinea pigs. When we collected full wheelbarrows we moved on to the goats pens. The goats swarmed the gate and when we eventually distracted them we quickly entered and dispersed the greens. The goats were eager and the group laughed and giggled at their devouring of the plants. After feeding and petting the goats we moved on to put away some of our gear before grabbing some rakes and shovels. The group were quick with the next task, cleaning and filling the barn space for the baby lambs. They are moved alongside their mothers each night for their safety and warmth, and we got to prepare their spaces. The group shared about the responsibilities, shoveling sawdust, pouring it out and raking it to a flat and well covered surface.The group smashed through the tasks well and helped a bunch down at the small but beautiful childrens farm.

On Thursday the 24th we collected the group back down at collingwood station, and this time for another community session. We headed to the Collingwood Alternative School, where we had Robby from Myride teach our students how to build bikes. This session held the aim of building and donating 3 bikes to the local Collingwood English Language School. The crew did extremely well during the practice round, and with Robby’s help successfully built the other 2 bikes. When done we thanked robby before going over the basic’s for the session ahead. Each student would be able to talk with and aid the English language students with understanding bike safety and how to properly ride a bike. So we went over the aspects of a bike and what type of words to use when speaking with newly arrived young people. The crew did well in the pre-teaching session and had a quick lunch break before we headed to the English Language School. Sadly the bikes we had built were too small for the students but we held a bike riding session with our own program bikes (the donation bikes will be devlivered in the coming week). During this time we went over the parts of the bike and walked by their sides as they learnt how to ride. The crew did amazingly and talked very well with the newly arrived students. When we had finished our session, we all felt the group was well versed in how to ride and we all had a truly great time in the process.

On Friday the 25th we had a big day, Caving at Britannia Creek! The group was keen and came on time eager to head straight to the caves. We brought along with us Brendon, a previous facilitator and now head of Collingwood Alternative School campus. We all grabbed our gear, fueled the bus and headed straight for the caves, singing along to some karaoke along the way. The students were pumped and after some chats about language, behaviour in the caves and safety for not only themselves but the whole of the group, we headed off into the caves. The group, though anxious, were excited and everyone went confidently ahead into the caves after they had been cleared by Brendon and Auri. The group held complete communication during the system, making sure one another were alright and powering on in the face of fear. Having moments to stop and look around, the group was in awe of the damp and dark spaces, the only light coming from our head torches and helmets. Everyone powered through the system and although some complaints were made, our appropriate language and determination was very strong. After this we spoke of strengths we saw presenting in the ones around us and it was a magnificent, though dirty, day.

This week was filled with giving to others, trying new and even fear-inducing things. However the group never gave in and faced each challenge head on, being extremely successful in their outcomes. Well done EVERYONE!!!



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Operation Newstart Northern

Ph: 9419 0369

Mob: 0438 043 103


7 Stanley Street

Collingwood 3066

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