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Enhance Whittlesea Term 3 Week 5 2017

This program has gone so fast and it's hard to believe the final week is over! It was another action packed one, that really gave the students opportunities to showcase the skills and strengths they have developed over this term. We worked on our two different community projects before sharing the achievements and looking towards the future at the graduation ceremony.

Wednesday we headed to Port Melbourne to visit and volunteer our time at an organisation called Anynomous X. Anonymous X help homeless people by providing clothing, toiletries, bedding and other practical supports. The first part of our morning here was spent learning about the organisation and meeting Sean, the founder of the organisation as well as volunteers Britney and Jax. All three were extremely passionate and shared their stories and insight. It was a heartfelt conversation and amazing to see how Sean started the organisation after seeing a need. After we had a big chat we spent a few hours helping out in the warehouse, sorting clothes that had been donated. Everyone worked well together and we got a lot done!

Our second community focus for the term has been looking at how we can help newly arrived young people in our community. The students chose to repair and donate bikes for primary school aged children who have been undertaking a bike safety program with Whittlesea Community Connections and their school, Thomastown Primary. Thursday afternoon was spent giving these bikes to a wonderful group of students who were very appreciate. Our students taught them the basics of bike maintenance before getting them on the bikes. It was a great afternoon to finish off the program.

Friday was of course the final day of our Enhance program for 2017, and our graduation ceremony! It was wonderful to see our graduating students well supported by their family and school networks. Every individual presented well on an activity we have done throughout the last five weeks, explaining to the audience what the group did and the skills gained from this. Certificates were presented to all graduating students as well as to Baseline Youth Services and Whittlesea Community Connections for their support of the program this term. Congratulations to everyone for their huge effort throughout the term.

All of our students are heading back into school next term and undertaking a fundraising to raise money for Anonymous X. We can't wait to hear about how this goes, and to catch up again to donate the money and have a reunion at the end of the year.

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