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Enhance Whittlesea Term 3 Week 4 2017

Week 4 of the program was spent entirely at the snow! We had a a fantastic week up at Mt Buller with three days out on the slopes learning to ski or snowboard. Everyone was up super early on Wednesday to travel up to Mansfield, where we met up with the Western iLead Newstart group, who shared the whole camp expereince with us. At Mansfield we jumped on the public bus to take us up the mountain. As you may have seen on the news, it was an absolute bumper week for snowfall and we didn't have to wait long before being amongst it. We were lucky to experience quite a lot of snow fall across all three of the days, and the students all did a great job adapting to the conditions.

Throughout the camp, students learnt the basics of either snowboarding or skiing in morning lessons, before having some time to practice their skills in the afternoon. All students listened intently and the improvement over the three days was huge. It wasn't long before everyone had conquered the ski lifts and heading down the runs independently.

For everyone in the group, this trip was full of new experiences and opportunities. Every single student took on the challenge of these difficult sports, and pushed through the weather conditions, soreness, tiredness etc to make the most of their time. The whole camp was a lot of fun and a wonderful experience.

We are incredibly grateful for Mt Buller Resort for their support during our time up on the mountain. It was an amazing opportunity and we all had a lot of fun. Check out the photos below to see how much snow there was!

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