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Yarra Week 7 2017

We've just finished our final week of the first program of the year! We had a great week celebrating the successes of all our students and we hope they're proud of everything they've achieved.

Wednesday morning the students finished working on their journals, a task where they recounted their experience and feelings towards a range of activities on the program. These were done to a great standard and were quite insightful. Following this we spent the afternoon with a group of students from the Collingwood English Language School. You may remember a few weeks ago our students spent the morning repairing donated bikes, and today they donated them to these students. Along with the bikes our students delivered some useful info about bike riding, safety tips, and some practical lessons as not all the students had ridden a bike before. It was a great afternoon and both groups of students got a lot out of the experience.

Thursday was our celebration day! We spent the day together having fun bowling and at laser tag. We've got some impressively good bowlers in the group and the staff definitely were up against it in the bowling and the laser tag, making it lots of fun for everyone.

Friday was graduation day- something we've been working towards for a long time. The students all delivered heartfelt speeches about one of the activities they enjoyed on the program and gave insight into how it has influenced their time at school. After watching the term video, students were presented with their graduation certificates and reports.

I'd like to give a huge thank you and congratulations to our Yarra students for all their achievements and commitment over the term. They've done so much over the last seven weeks and we're really looking forward to checking back in with them next term to see how they're travelling at school.

Other big thank you's need to go to the supporters of the program. There are many different service providers who support the program by providing venues, instructors and experiences. We're grateful for the support and commitment to young people in the area. We'd also like to acknowledge and thank the generous support of the Yarra City Council as we wouldn't be able to run the program without their financial support. Their grant contribution enables the program to run at no cost to schools or families, making it more equitable and accessible to all young people.

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