Darebin & Yarra Term 1 2016 Graduation Ceremony
On Friday 18th March we held our Term 1 Operation Newstart Graduation Ceremony at Mark Street Hall in Fitzroy. The graduation is a really fantastic way to celebrate the achievements of the graduating young people, and to really showcase to family and support staff what they've been involved with over the last term.
The students all spoke wonderfully at the ceremony and gave the audience an insight into their favourite activities and some of the challenges they faced throughout the 6 week program. They all received t-shirts printed with their own design, as well as a folder of certificates and graduating reports.
We'd like to acknowledge and thank both the Darebin and Yarra Youth Services and councils for enabling us to run this program locally, and for supporting us by providing a wealth of staff, insight and resources. We wouldn't be able to run this program without the support and our students greatly benefit from this involvement.
Lastly, a massive final congratulations is in order for our graduating students! They've worked extremely hard through the challenges of the term, and we wish all the students the very best and look forward to visiting them back at school in the new term.