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Enhance Program Week Five

And so we reach the final week of the Enhance program....this term absolutely whizzed past, with lots of fun and learning had by all, including the staff!

Wednesday morning was spent with a mix of activities, including some preparation for Graduation and volleyball and soccer in the gym, as well as music rehearsal. It was nice for everyone to have some fun before we got stuck into our big task for the afternoon- the car wash.

As a group, the students decided this term that their community action would be to raise money for the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, who we visited in the first week. To do this, each student has endeavered to undertake a fundraising initiative within their own school. Mikhaela made a really big effort to get this organised at her school quickly, addressing the principal and staff about the idea, and managed to have 12 cars ready for us to wash on Wednesday afternoon! Once we got into the swing of things we worked together as a group to get these done fairly quickly, and raised $120 for the Foundation- enough to get one Buddy Bag for a child in need. Everyone should be really proud of their efforts, and stay tuned for fundraising updates from the remaining 7 students.

Thursday was a massive final day of the program, spent mainly working on the 'Action for Change' documentary. This was a huge undertaking and learning curve for everyone, with many new skills in interviewing, filming, script writing, and editing gained. We are incredibly grateful to have worked with Dave from Yarra Youth Services on this project. The students now have a short documentary encouraging young people to make a change in their community, that they're able to take back and share with their school communities.

Friday was of course Graduation! Check out the seperate blog post to see some photos and hear how it went.

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