Enhance Program Week Three

This week was less adventure based than others but it saw us really pull together our 'Action for Change' documentary over a few sessions at Yarra Youth. The students have really embraced this project and their input has been excellent. It was great having Sam and Dave, with their wealth of film making knowledge, assisting the group to create a fantastic project. We hope that our students could take it back to school to use as a tool for future class community projects.
Our radio presentation on the Environmentality show on Wednesday morning was fantastic. The students presented a lot of information about both Serendip Sanctuary and the Wathaurong people and engaged in some interesting discussions Thanks to Jaime and Georgina for being so great with the group and making them feel relaxed. The two radio experiences this term have been important for their confidence and desire to promote worthwhile causes.

Thursday was a good prep for the snow camp with Tony from the Western group bringing in all the gear and filling everyone in on what to expect next week. Learning about safety on the mountain was also an important element of the day. In the afternoon the first aid course was well done and an excellent certificate to have for potential job interviews.
Week three of the program was rounded out by a fantastic game of volleyball after a bit of preparation for camp next week. We can't wait!