Term 1 Week 6 2021
Hello everyone! We spent last Wednesday on the Yarra bike trail, practicing our riding skills. The students were introduced to the bikes...
Term 1 Week 5 2021
Hi everyone! This week was another adventure! On Wednesday we visited Kangan Batman Institute in Broadmeadows, where the students were...
Term 1 Week 4 2021
Hello everyone! On Wednesday we spent the morning learning about respectful relationships at Oxygen. We learnt ways to show respect to...
Term 1 Week 3 2021
Hello everyone! On Wednesday we had Tamika from headspace Glenroy come join us at Oxygen and talk with us about Mental Health Awareness....
Term 1 Week 2 2021
Hello everyone! This week we were very lucky to have come out of lockdown just in time for our camp at the Cathedral Ranges!...
Term 1 week 1 2021
Hello everyone! What a great start to the term! Last year was chaotic to say the least but we are glad to have the ability to run the...
Eltham Term Week 4 2020
We are in the second last week of the Newstart term and this week is an exciting one. We started the week back at our local hub this term...
Eltham Term Week 5 2020
It's the final week of Newstart and none of us can believe how fast it has gone! We started the week on a Tuesday to get one last gym...
Eltham Term Week 3 2020
It's camp week on the program and a bike focused week as we prepare to ride from Alexandra to Yea on the Great Victorian Rail Trail....
Eltham Term Week 2 2020
Week 2 is here and this is out first full week of the program! We started the week at Eltham leisure centre to meet with Brad and work on...